Old Columbia St in Adams
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Land - Integral Part Of Manufacturing Operation - 0 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Accessory Land With Improvement - 0 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Undevelopable Industrial Land - 0 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Land - Integral Part Of Manufacturing Operation - 0 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Undevelopable Industrial Land - 0 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Undevelopable Industrial Land - 313 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Developable Industrial Land - 331 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 337 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 341 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 371 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Improved, District (County) - 376 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 378 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 378 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 380 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 382 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Two-Family Residential - 384 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 386 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Single Family Residential - 387 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Sand And Gravel Mining/quarry - 387 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Sand And Gravel Mining/quarry - 387 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Sand And Gravel Mining/quarry - 395 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Function Halls, Community Centers, Fraternal Organizations (Charitable Org.) - 399 OLD COLUMBIA ST
Developable Industrial Land